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The Families Resist rally on May 11, 2022, in collaboration with POOR Magazine, Empact, and Justice reform coalition was held in Sacramento and brought hundreds of impacted families from all across California to fight for real and lasting change.
To watch the full video of the rally:
To watch a video featuring some of the direct action on that day:
Here is some info on our objectives for that day:
The family policing system in the United States, aka Child Protective Services or CPS, has waged war on the American family. Black, Indigenous, and Poor families are especially vulnerable and as such are overrepresented in the system. Nationwide, black children account for only 14% of the population but represent nearly 25% of all CPS cases. Meanwhile, about half of all indigenous children will experience a child welfare investigation before they turn 18. And finally, since poverty is conflated with neglect and parental unfitness by the “child protection” system, poverty is the single most important predictor of placement in foster care and the amount of time spent there. Moreover, the system lacks accountability, transparency, and oversight. Families are all too often unnecessarily destroyed and children are frequently placed in foster and group homes where conditions are worse than in the homes they were removed from. It is incredibly traumatizing to remove a child from everything they have ever known or loved. There is no reason why a family should be destroyed. Children should be protected and supported by the government by providing services to keep families together instead of assuming parents inability to care. This must end. The time is now to come together and RESIST together, and to demand real and lasting change. Children deserve better and families belong together.
Contra Costa CFSin Antioch cleared out their front reception area during our protest. So while we were shouting our hearts out demanding an end to their corrupt and discriminatory practices, and also the safe return of our children, there was no one there to hear us. And then a handful of us snuck around the back and found those child-stealing, lying social workers hiding in their offices. Gotcha. You can run but you can't hide. The families are uniting and we are coming for our children.
"STOP STEALING CHILDREN": San Francisco. February 5, 2021. CPS and the Family Courts are oppressive, abusive, corrupt, racist and classist systems designed with the intention to profit of the pain and suffering of children and families. Rise up. Resist. Take back our children.
Common behaviors in white communities can lead to child welfare intervention in low-income communities of color. Police abuse of power not only can result in injury and death, it can also result in the unnecessary separation of children from good and fit parents.
Help us restore justice to children and families. Rise up. #TakeBackOurChildren
Read more about the Police-to-Foster Care pipeline here:
On this day we protested the Contra Costa (anti)Family Court. We were passionate. We were mad. They took our children. "Give Us Back Our Children," we demanded at the top of our lungs and from the bottom of our souls. We shouted until each and every one of us was hoarse in the throat. Some of us shouted until we found ourselves in tears.
Rise up. #takebackourchildren.
America's child protection system is so deeply flawed that it needs to be dismantled and abolished. We parents need to come together to hold the system accountable. We need to stop CPS.
FAMILIES BELONG TOGETHER. Our child welfare system and family courts are broken, all too often causing more harm than good. If you are poor, or black, or brown- you don't have a chance in hell. Help us either fix or dismantle this system. Join us October 27, at 2pm at Waterfront Park in Martinez, California.
In the past decade, black families have been pushed out of most San Francisco Bay Area cities and shoved into low-income housing in Antioch. Contra Costa Children and Family Services is racist and corrupt. Every single day babies are snatched from good loving homes. Parents aren't given an honest chance in hell. Children's lives are destroyed as they rot in foster care homes where they are physically and sexually abused, where they are ignored and neglected.
Protest Injustice in Child Protective Services. End the war on low-income families of color. Hold Child Protective Services accountable for violating the rights of families and children.
September 15, 2020. 2pm sharp.
4549 Delta Fair Blvd. Antioch, CA 94509
Meet at the field across the street.
*After the protest we will have food, birthday cake, and refreshments. Bring you own chair.
-Fight Child Protective Services and Family Court Corruption.
-End the war on families in low-income communities of color.
-Defund Child Protection practices that lead to family separation.
-#stoptheclock on the Adoption and Safe Families Act to help families reunify during the COVID-19 pandemic.
-End federal adoption incentives, repeal the Adoption and Safe Families Act.
The Issues:
There was the killing of George Floyd and so many before him: Mario Woods in San Francisco, Pedie Perez in the city of Richmond, and Miles Hall in Walnut Creek- to name a few... But the over-policing and brutality of our young is not isolated to law enforcement abuse of power. Families are also over-policed and brutalized by Child Protection agencies and Family Courts across the nation. All too often it is law enforcement that feeds children into the foster care system where they are left to rot.
The Adoption and Safe Families Act made foster care and adoption into a billion dollar a year industry. The more families that are torn apart, the more money states are paid.
It is time to end the war on low-income families. Rise up. Take back our children.